
OFFSET x SOUVENIR groundwork

 Hey. I had a busy year last year and didn't update this blog even once. I wasn't drawing a lot either to be honest except for posters and other quickly lashed out functional designs. I'm actually not sure about the longevity of this blog. I might end up moving somewhere else entirely... but for now here's some work I did for this event organised by Mr Steve McCarthy.

I can sort of indecisive at times.. so I ended up doing three different versions of the poster. These are two unused designs. I'll post the final poster on the day of the event.

Family Portrait.

Spent most of my weekend working on this. Acrylics on the lid of a wooden wine crate. It's a late submission for a charity auction. Hopefully it'll get accepted. Below the camera-phone quality photo is the digital colour sketch I did before hand. I need to paint more. It was fun.
It's a sort of a family portrait of cacti. Inspired by the Old Man cactus and Old Lady cactus in the middle. It ended up a bit crowded and I prefer the shapes and sizes in the digital but I guess this is what happens when you haven't painted in about a year. Also this is easily the biggest piece I've ever painted.