
OFFSET x SOUVENIR groundwork

 Hey. I had a busy year last year and didn't update this blog even once. I wasn't drawing a lot either to be honest except for posters and other quickly lashed out functional designs. I'm actually not sure about the longevity of this blog. I might end up moving somewhere else entirely... but for now here's some work I did for this event organised by Mr Steve McCarthy.

I can sort of indecisive at times.. so I ended up doing three different versions of the poster. These are two unused designs. I'll post the final poster on the day of the event.


 Hello. Mid-break. Haven't been drawing anything. I have been doing a bit of tidying up of my folders though and I found these two drawings which I ended up not using for anything. They were meant for the Yanmama project I was doing last year. That's right, happy 2011. It'll be lovely, don't worry.