
I used put my artwork on tumblr but I was never really happy with the format. I'm moving my portfolio type stuff to hoshinorobin.com and then perhaps can use tumblr as a normal blog (which can also be viewed on the website)

OFFSET x SOUVENIR groundwork

 Hey. I had a busy year last year and didn't update this blog even once. I wasn't drawing a lot either to be honest except for posters and other quickly lashed out functional designs. I'm actually not sure about the longevity of this blog. I might end up moving somewhere else entirely... but for now here's some work I did for this event organised by Mr Steve McCarthy.

I can sort of indecisive at times.. so I ended up doing three different versions of the poster. These are two unused designs. I'll post the final poster on the day of the event.

Happy New Year

It's been a very long time since I've had something I felt was right to put on this blog. I've been very busy the last few months with a supper club that my boyfriend runs. Mostly anything I've drawn in that time has been connected with the blog and suppers in one way or another, mainly making a lot of posters which you can see on my tumblr.

Here is a little thing I wanted to do since the start of winter:

Family Portrait.

Spent most of my weekend working on this. Acrylics on the lid of a wooden wine crate. It's a late submission for a charity auction. Hopefully it'll get accepted. Below the camera-phone quality photo is the digital colour sketch I did before hand. I need to paint more. It was fun.
It's a sort of a family portrait of cacti. Inspired by the Old Man cactus and Old Lady cactus in the middle. It ended up a bit crowded and I prefer the shapes and sizes in the digital but I guess this is what happens when you haven't painted in about a year. Also this is easily the biggest piece I've ever painted.